Joining the society entails entering a blood pact in which you must complete every game which is selected by the high council. Failure to do so results in an obligation to commit sodoku LIVE ON STREAM on unless an appeal to the high gamer society is met with a token of gamer excellence or similar pardon.

The high society will notify you when feedback is due, please be ready to add insight by emailing with your opinions on the game and your proposal for it's place in the rankings!

The currently selected game is Chibi Robo

The List

  1. 868-hack
  3. Alien Soldier
  4. BallisticNG
  5. Burnout 3: Takedown
  6. F-Zero GX
  8. HyperRogue
  9. Jet Set Radio
  10. Lethal League Blaze
  11. Lonely Mountains: Downhill
  12. Monolith
  13. Mudrunner
  14. Okami HD
  15. Otocky
  16. Pathologic HD
  17. Pig Eat Ball
  18. Prey (2017)
  19. Serpentes
  20. Thief: Gold
  21. The Gostak
  22. The Hex
  23. Umihara Kawase
  24. Wuppo: Definitive Edition
  25. Yokus Island Express


  1. The Textorcist: The Story of Ray Bibbia
  2. Jump King
  3. Nex Machina
  4. Snowflake's Chance
  5. Crypt of the Necrodancer
  6. Opus Magnum
  7. La-Mulana
  8. ElecHead
  9. Giraffe Town - a Samer Khatib game (A Snowconesolid Production)
  10. Below
  11. Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective
  12. Sonic Mania
  13. Vanquish
  14. The King's Bird
  15. Yoshi's Island
  16. Ghosts 'n Goblins Resurrection
  17. Desert Bus
  18. Deus Ex
  19. Warcraft III: Reforged
  20. Exanima
  21. Subnautica
  22. Mirror Drop
  23. Disco Elysium
  24. Dark Messiah of Might and Magic
  25. 👌︎♏︎⍓︎□︎■︎♎︎🖳︎ ❄︎⬥︎□︎ 💧︎□︎◆︎●︎⬧︎